International Clients
Abu Dhabi Educational Zone, United Arab Emirates
Development of Emirates College for Advanced Education
The start-up of a teacher training institute in UAE came into operation in 2008 where bachelor in education programme and teaching diploma are being offered at the Emirates College for Advanced Education. The college has now a comprehensive teacher-education curriculum as well as the content knowledge to prepare the country with cohorts of teachers for the 21stcentury.
Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain
Development of Bahrain Teachers College
An extensive review and development of a Teachers Training College with a teacher-education curriculum that is directly related to the content knowledge required by the present and future industries in addition to skills and knowledge that needed within the government or public service in Bahrain. Together with MOE and the schools, a closely-knit, tripartite chain of education institutions is being formed.
Ministry of Education & Training, Vietnam
Educational Leadership Programme for Vietnam
Through the partnership of Temasek Foundation (Singapore) and the National Institute of Education Management (Hanoi, Vietnam) education leaders from 66 provinces in Vietnam are prepared and equipped through the Education Leadership Programme for Vietnam. This capacity building project was strategically planned in the training of core trainers in educational leadership and cascade to provincial trainers from all 66 provinces. Altogether this one-year project equipped 150 educational leaders and 350 core provincial trainers who in turn would train cohorts of educational leaders. In 2008, a turn-over of 1,932 educational leaders were trained to take on education reform for Vietnam.
Department of Education, The Philippines
Leaders and Educators in Asia Programme (LEAP)
Working in collaboration with Temasek Foundation and the Ateneo network of schools, this Project enabled a team of principals and a team of supervisors from the public schools in Quezon City and the Ateneo schools to undergo a rigorous school leadership and management course at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. The programmes consist of leading change, curriculum development, mentoring & staff management, school departmental management, coaching, strategic planning and personal mastery.
List of other International Clients:
- Ministry of Education, Kingdom of BAHRAIN
- Vietnam-Belgium Project, Belgium Training Centre in Vietnam, BELGIUM
- Royal University of Bhutan, Kingdom of BHUTAN
- Caring for Cambodia, Siem Reap CAMBODIA
- Commonwealth of Learning, CANADA
- Easton International, People's Republic of CHINA
- Hans Seidel Foundation, GERMANY
- Technische Universität München (TUM), GERMANY
- St Xavier's Teacher Institute, Mumbai INDIA
- Sampoerna Foundation, INDONESIA
- Ateneo Schools, The PHILIPPINES
- Don Bosco Schools, The PHILIPPINES
- Ministry of Education, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA
- Burapha University, Kingdom of THAILAND
- Naresuan University, Kingdom of THAILAND
- Sarawithaya School, Kingdom of THAILAND
- Institute for the Promotion of Science & Technology, THAILAND
- Abu Dhabi Educational Zone, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
- World Bank, Washington USA
- Ministry of Education & Training, VIETNAM
- National Institute of Education Management, Hanoi VIETNAM
- SEAMEO Regional Training Center, Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM
Clients within Singapore
SAFTI Military Institute, Singapore
SAFTI Specialist Diploma and Advanced Course in Learning Science The Specialist Diploma and Advanced Course in Learning Science is a specially designed programme for MINDEF Officers. The programme aims to equip the participants with practical knowledge and innovative pedagogical skills which in turn will motivate them to re-look and re-design the way they conduct courses and programmes for their colleagues.
Ministry of Health, Singapore
Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)
Designed by NIE's team of experts and professionals, this is the first time such a Postgraduate Diploma Programme is customised for the Ministry of Health (MOH). The PGDHE MOH Programme reflects the changing role of healthcare professionals who are principally concerned with the delivery of nursing education and training to adults. This nine-month programme provides the knowledge and pedagogical skills for these professionals in higher education to reflect upon key underlying educational philosophies, pedagogy and their experience to enhance their academic practice. Participants are trained to develop their practical teaching skills, acquire an understanding of the issues and factors which affect student learning in higher education as well as organise and implement a range of functions involving learning and assessment in various teaching environments.
Singapore Environment Institute, National Environment Agency, Singapore
Train-the-Trainers Courses
Environment Officers of the National Environment Agency are trained under a trainer workshop that focuses on aspects of psychology of the adult learner in facilitating adult learning as well as effective teaching through lesson planning and delivery. For four years, to-date, over 200 officers have been trained with the foundational skills in preparing training materials for adult learning as they deliver public awareness of healthcare, vector control and disease prevention.
Army TRADOC, Singapore
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and Accreditation Framework for Continuing Professional Education Programme for Army Instructors
The CPE programme caters for progressive development in the professional skills for the army instructors and trainers. A CPE accreditation framework is drawn up to provide a pathway for participants who are undertaking the CPE programme to attain an awarded certification from the National Institute of Education or Nanyang Technological University. Under this framework, participants are able to combine the courses they have taken under the CPE programme with the required mandatory courses taken separately, to attain the certification after satisfying the academic requirements for each course.
List of other Clients within Singapore:
- Air Force School, Singapore
- Canossian School, Singapore
- Chatsworth School, Singapore
- Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Singapore
- Civil Service College, Singapore
- Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
- Education Programmes Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore
- Ministry of Community, Youth & Sports, Singapore
- Ministry of Health, Singapore
- Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), Singapore
- Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
- NTUC Childcare, Singapore
- NUS High School for Mathematics & Science, Singapore
- Pfizer Global Manufacturing, Singapore
- Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
- Singapore Armed Forces, Ministry of Defense, Singapore
- Singapore Aviation Academy, Singapore
- Singapore Badminton Association, Singapore
- Singapore Environment Institute, National Environment Agency, Singapore
- Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore
- Singapore Sports Council, Singapore
- Singapore Telecommunications Ltd, Singapore
- Technical Cooperation Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore